Monday, November 16, 2009

It Could Only Happen To Me!!!!!

Told you I was in the middle of nowhere!!!!!!!!! See the nice deserted road in the background?? I was driving along this road the other day after some sight seeing (see photos below) on my own it was getting dark and some white man jumps in front of my car to stop me. Well I thought that's it I will be found in some shallow grave somewhere. He was covered in tattoos, lovely earrings, rings on every finger and a giant tooth hanging around his neck. "Luv can I borrow ya jack?? Gotta flat and mine's busted" So what do you do keep driving you say bit hard, so I give him my jack then text the make of his car and the number plate to one of the girls at the clinic (in case they never see me again) well they thought it was very funny!!! I was having palpitations, but he did have a flat thank god and I'm here writing to you so all is well.

No you can't swim in this water we're not sure where it comes from and I don't think there is even a name for the colour it is, but these are some wild horses having an afternoon drink.

Some more horses.

A Lajamanu sunset!!!!!!

It is quite pretty really.

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