Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Airport Run

Today has been very interesting indeed. Starting with yesterday I had to call round to 4 people's houses to tell them to be ready at 7.30am this morning as I would be picking them up to take them to the airport so they could be taken to Katherine for x-rays.
So I had to get up early this morning and grab the work car and off I go. I stop at each house and bip and call out not one person came out, they all stayed in bed amazing. Oh and by now it's too late the govt has already paid for the plane and the seats!!!!!!!!
Also you can't get out because of the numerous dogs. Each home has anything between 5-10 dogs and not all are friendly so we have to stay in the car.

1 comment:

  1. That is sooooo ridiculous and scary with all those dogs
