Thursday, August 27, 2009

My first entry

Just setting up this site so people can keep in contact and follow me on my trip and hopefully have a laugh and enjoy some funny stories and great photos.

I'll miss everyone heaps but hopefully you will post comments on my blog and I'll see everyone in around 3 months xx


  1. Hey Flick, looking forward to following your trip up north, this will be a great way to keep all you experiences and memories together, I love it! Talk to you soon, m xx

  2. Hi Felicity,
    Good luck with the trip. I know it will be challenging but you will make a world of differece up there. It is a really good and valuable job you will be doing

  3. Logged on and will faithfully follow your adventures!!

  4. Hey Flick

    Thanks for dobbing Caz and I in about the wine glasses (even tho they are very nice). I do hope the trip up goes much better than trying to give us your Mob. No. I got the number the first time. Hope your last shift (yay!!!) at BDH goes well. Will keep in touch, love Shirl
