Friday, December 11, 2009

The Cage of Death

Erin went diving with the crocodiles, the professional photos are better but i couldn't upload them.

In the cage, if you look hard enough you can see white marks on the cage. They are teeth marks!!!!

Getting lowered into the water.

A better photo of the cage and all the teeth marks.

A view from the top, and no I didn't go in the cage was a bit to small for me.

Adelaide River Croc Jumping

Erin and the croc she caught while fishing!!!

These birds sit in the trees waiting to grab the meat that's being fed to the crocodiles. When they mate they mate for life, but they don't share their food with their mate. I wouldn't share a good steak either.

Glad I'm not on the receiving end.

Have a go at those jaws, you should have heard the sound when they closed shut. Apparently it's equivalent to a 2 tonne truck.

There are those tiny jaws again..........

Litchfield National Park

Well the picture says it all really.

Erin standing in front of a rather large termite mound!!!!

Florence Falls, I walked down 135 steps to go for a swim here, it's a beautiful place except for having to walk back up the 135 steps!

Darwin a well earned holiday

Trying to catch some excellent lightening as well as fireworks going off at the same time.

A Jabiru on Yellow Waters

Erin fishing for the very first time!!!!!!!!!

The flies were a nightmare hence the very attractive fly net.

My niece Rebecca and her boyfriend Casey. Casey caught a croc!!!!!!!!! We actually saw the croc go under when Casey cast out. Case wouldn't let go as he wanted his lure back, but when the boat started getting dragged he decided to cut his line.

Boating on the Vic River

This was an eagle in flight spectacular in real life.

Another photo of the sun setting on the river.

The river was beautiful especially late in the afternoon.
Well goodbye Timber Creek and Bush Nursing...........for now.

Fishing on the Victoria river

Donald took me out fishing on the Vic river, as we were coming back in this was the sunset. The views and bird life were amazing. We also saw a few crocs.

Some pelicans on the sand bank.

Just another photo as the sun is setting. How different is this to Lajamanu. The scenery was amazing.
The expert fisherman (or fisherwoman)

Donald pulling up his EMPTY cray pot and his wife Maggie

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Our Christmas Party

This is Jo my boss and her 2 girls, the party was at Jo's house.

Jo very talented.

One of the kids getting ready for his rap debut!!!!!!

Dr Don on the left and Andrew on the right one of the nurses, obviously both are having a wonderful time.

Dr Don trying to have a quite dip..........Oh and there are 2 policeman in Timber Creek and they were both at the party so not sure what happens there though I was on call and told basically I was it for the whole town interesting.

Outback Communities

The work out here is completely different. We have some outlying communities that we have to drive out to. These photos were on the way to Kildurk, about a 2hr drive from Timber Creek. You turn off the highway and drive along a dirt road which is in the middle of nowhere and I came across a few men on horse back rounding up the cattle. It was an amazing site there were hundreds of them...cattle not men unfortunately.

This is a massive Boab tree at Kildurk can you see me standing next to it??????

Another picture of me and the Boab tree.

Some Brolga's just next to the clinic.

Timber Creek Clinic

Timber Creek Clinic, it's much nicer than Lajamanu, I would actually be happy to stay here longer, but unfortunately at this stage circumstances won't allow that, and I'm heading home soon. Maybe come back next year when it's not so hot.

The kids room.

The emergency room, certainly better equipped, as we're on a major highway and they have had a few roll overs!!

A decent ambulance.

Crossing Border again

Coming back into the NT

There is a drive up on top of the escarpment (yay you don't have to walk) and it looks out over Timber Creek.

A view of the town, can you see my house....... if you look really hard

Just another view out in the other direction.

Across The Border

So I'm off driving on my little day trip to Kununurra when I come across the sign below!!! I had no idea I was crossing the border, so now so far in the last 3 months I have been in 3 different states.

See the brick wall I was actually on top of this. This is a dam at Lake Argyle the whole area is so pretty.

Lake Argyle, they still have cruises running on the lake but due to the time difference I would have had to wait to long then been driving back at night time so that was a shame, as they were sunset cruises.

Lake Argyle

Day Trip

Now this was an interesting little trip and how's this for a name not very inviting but thought I'd have a look anyway. Normally springs is like hot springs and it had been so long since i'd seen water.

Again the photo does not do it justice but the name does.... there could have quite easily been numerous dead horses beneath the surface and the flies......

Can you see the surface this was all like moss type yuk stuff, very descriptive I know. But alas still no swimming.

It does look inviting in the photos though, shame.